
The Egg Collection



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The sample eggs you find pictured here started out with just the few timbers I had stashed in my shed and species I've collected locally but now they come from all over. Many come from trading samples with other collectors in Australia as well as overseas. My biggest trade at one point was the 49 species I exchanged with a bloke from California (thanks Lanchi!) in return for 49 of our local timbers, but that has now been overtaken by the 6 1/2 dozen that Col Martin of the IWCS generously dropped in my ute on an excursion with the IWCS here on the Highlands (thanks Col!).

If you have a piece of wood 50x50x70mm or thereabouts that isn't on the list, just leave me a message on my feedback page and we'll work something out.

International Wood Collectors Society membership # 9473


  • 1>30    31>60    61>90    91>120    121>150    151>180    181>210   
  • 211>240    241>270    271>300    301>330    331>360    361>390    391>420   
  • 421>450    451>480    481>510    511>540    541>570    571>600    601>630   
  • 631>660    661>690    691>720    721>750    751>780    781>810    811>840   
  • 841>870

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    1. Radiata pine (crapiata) - Pinus radiata
    2. Melaleuca (paperbark) - Melaleuca quinquenervia
    3. White Cypress - Callitris glaucophylla
    4. Mango (spalted) - Mangifera indica
    5. Pecan - Carya illinoensis
    6. Emu apple - Owenia acidula
    7. Sally wattle - Acacia salicina
    8. Alpine ash (Tassie oak) - Eucalyptus delegatensis
    9. Tipuana - Tipuana tipu
    10. Bauhinia (red) - Lysiphyllum carronii
    11. Raintree - Samanea saman
    12. Hairy oak (flame she-oak) - Allocasuarina inophloia
    13. Camphor Laurel - Cinnamomum camphora
    14. Dead finish - Archidendropsis basaltica
    15. Bimble box - Eucalyptus populnea
    16. Banksia (coastal) - Banksia integrifloria
    17. False Sandalwood - Eremophila mitchellii
    18. Red cedar - Toona australis
    19. Gidgee - Acacia cambagei
    20. Jacaranda - Jacaranda mimosifolia
    21. Soap bush / Red ash - Alphitonia excelsa
    22. Inland rosewood - Acacia rhodoxylon
    23. Pencil pine - Cupressus sempervirens
    24. Red gum - Eucalyptus camaldulenesis
    25. Mulberry - Morus nigra
    26. Tea tree - Melaleuca alternifolia
    27. Maidens Blush - Sloanea australis
    28. Ash - Fraxinus excelsior
    29. New Guinea Rosewood - Pterocarpus indicus
    30. Brigalow - Acacia harpophylla
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    31. Hoop pine (blued) - Araucaria cunninghamii
    32. African mahogany - Khaya senegalensis
    33. Guioa - Guioa semiglauca
    34. Cotton poplar - Populus nigra
    35. Coastal cypress - Callitris columellaris
    36. Myrtle - Canthium attenuatum
    37. Lebbek / Rain tree - Albizia lebbeck
    38. Bumble / Wild orange - Capparis mitchellii
    39. Budgeroo - Lysicarpus angustifolious
    40. Qld Walnut - Endiandra palmerstonii
    41. River-oak burl - Casuarina cunninghamiana
    42. Currajong - Brachychiton populneus
    43. Quinine (native quince) - Petalostigma pubescens
    44. Vine tree - Ventilago viminalis
    45. Peach bush - Ehretia membranifolia
    46. Wilga - Geijera parviflora
    47. Bitter bark - Alstonia constricta
    48. Leichardt - Nauclea orientalis
    49. Ooline - Cadellia pentastylis
    50. Leopardwood - Flindersia dissosperma
    51. Whitewood - Atalaya hemiglauca
    52. Ironwood wattle - Acacia excelsa
    53. Lychee - Litchi chinensis
    54. Blackwood (Victorian) - Acacia melanoxylon
    55. Golden Rain tree - Koelruteria paniculate
    56. Rose mahogany - Dysoxylum fraseranum
    57. Silky oak - Grevillea Robusta
    58. Peppercorn - Schinus areira
    59. Osage orange (Bois D?arc) - Maclura pomifera
    60. Sandalwood - Santalum lanceolatum
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    61. Lancewood - Acacia shirleyi
    62. Leichardt Bean - Cassia brewsteri
    63. Conkerberry - Carissa lanceolata
    64. Norfolk island Hibiscus - Lagunaria patersonia
    65. Boree - Acacia tephrina
    66. Corkbark - Hakea ivoryi
    67. Red mahogany - Eucalyptus resinifera
    68. Myall - Acacia pendula
    69. Cadaghi - Corymbia torelliana
    70. Tassie Sassafrass - Atherosperma moschatum
    71. River Oak - Casuarina cunninghamiana
    72. Celery wood - Polyscias elegans
    73. Jarrah (burl) - Eucalyptus marginata
    74. Huon Pine - Lagarostrobos franklinii
    75. Rose She-Oak - Allocasuarina torulosa
    76. Qld Maple (quilted) - Flindersia brayleyana
    77. Red Ironbark - Eucalyptus sideroxylon
    78. Blackwood (Qld) - Acacia melanoxylon
    79. Black wattle (Qld) - Acacia mearnsii
    80. Paulownia - Paulownia tomentosa
    81. Bull Oak - Allocasuarina luehmannii
    82. Blue Gum (root) - Eucalyptus saligna
    83. Brazilian Purpleheart - Peltogyne pubescens
    84. Bloodwood ( Red Carabeen) - Eucalyptus gummifera
    85. Bunya pine - Araucaria bidwillii
    86. Tulip Oak (spalted) - Argyrodendron actinophyllum
    87. Orange - Citrus sinensis
    88. Prickly Acacia - Acacia nilotica
    89. Murray pine (white cypress) - Callitrus glaucophylla
    90. Musk - Olearia argophylla
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    91. English Oak - Quercus robur
    92. Apple - Malus domestica
    93. West Indian Cedar - Cedrela odorata
    94. Swamp Mahogany - Eucalyptus robusta
    95. Macadamia - Macadamia integrifolia
    96. Mangrove (blue) - Avicannia marina
    97. Tamarisk / Athel pine - Tamarix aphylla
    98. Birch - Betula sp.
    99. Acacia elachantha
    100. Acacia angusta
    101. Fiddlewood - Citharexylum spinosum
    102. Jam - Acacia acuminata
    103. Yellow Sassafras - Doryphora sassafras
    104. Blackheart sassafras - Athersperma moschatum
    105. Beech - Fagus sylvatica
    106. White cedar - Melia azedarach
    107. Yellow bean - Ormosia ormondii
    108. Beefwood - Grevillea striata
    109. Bancrofts Wattle - Acacia bancroftiorum
    110. Mulga - Acacia aneura
    111. White Bauhinia - Lysiphyllum hookeri
    112. Purple Gidgee - Acacia crombiei
    113. Mineritchie - Acacia cyperophylla
    114. Yellow wood - Terminalia oblongata
    115. Submerged Brigalow - Acacia harpophylla
    116. Yellowberry bush - Maytenus cunninghamii
    117. Miva mahogany - Dysoxylum muelleri
    118. Pink Touriga - Callophyllum australianum
    119. Caledonian Oak - Carnayonia aralifolia
    120. Black Silky Oak - Stenocarpus reticulatus
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    121. Northern black wattle - Acacia auriculiformus
    122. Spurwood - Dysoxylum pettigrewianum
    123. Bendee - Acacia catenulata
    124. Australian ebony - Diospyrus humilis
    125. Burdekin Plum - Pleiogynium timorense
    126. Yellow Cedar - Callitropsis nootkatensis
    127. Waddi wood - Acacia peuce
    128. Coolibah - Eucalyptus coolibah
    129. Rose Apple (Lilli Pilli) - Syzygium jambos
    130. Dogwood - Eremophila bignoniiflora
    131. Umbrella Wattle - Acacia oswaldii
    132. Prickly pine - Bursaria incana
    133. Needlewood - Hakea leucoptera
    134. Bootlace Oak - Hakea chordophylla
    135. Yarran - Acacia melvillei
    136. Cocky Apple - Planchonia careya
    137. Batwing Coral tree - Erythrina vespertilio
    138. Silver Oak - Grevillea parallela
    139. Tuart - Eucalyptus gomphocephala
    140. Red Tingle - Eucalyptus jacksonii
    141. Karri - Eucalyptus diversicolor
    142. Ancient Southern Mahogany - Eucalyptus botryoides
    143. American Elm - Ulmus americana
    144. Ponderosa Pine - Pinus ponderosa
    145. Pacific Madrone - Arbutus menziesii
    146. Myrtle - Umbellularia californica
    147. Honey Locust - Gleditsia triacanthos
    148. Almond - Prunus amygdulus
    149. Yew - Taxus baccata
    150. Juniper - Juniperus sp.
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    151. Ornamental Pear - Pyrus cultivar
    152. Spalted Maple - Acer macrophyllum
    153. Koa - Acacia koa
    154. Apricot - Prunus armeniaca
    155. Blue Spruce - Picea pungens
    156. Boonaree (Western Rosewood) - Alectryon oleifolius
    157. Cherry - Prunus avium
    158. Redwood - Sequioa sempervirens
    159. White Oak - Quercus alba
    160. Ambrosia maple - Acer macrophyllum
    161. American Sycamore - Platanus occidentalis
    162. White Birch - Betula papyrifera
    163. Red Oak - Quercus rubra
    164. Hickory - Carya sp.
    165. Bradford Pear - Pyrus calleryana
    166. Douglas Fir - Pseudotsaga menziesii
    167. Butternut - Juglans cinerea
    168. Black Locust - Robinia pseudoacacia
    169. Larch - Larix europaea
    170. Maple - Acer macrophyllum
    171. Box Elder - Acer negundo
    172. SkyRocket Cypress - Juniperus scopulorum
    173. Arizona Ash - Fraxinus velutina
    174. Mulberry (USA) - Morus nigra
    175. Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia indica
    176. Mallee root - Eucalyptus polybractea
    177. Mallee burl - Eucalyptus polybractea
    178. Silky Beech - Citronella moorei
    179. Cocobolo - Dalbergia retusa
    180. Honey Gem - Grevillea hybrid
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    181. Japanese Oak - Quercus grosseserrata
    182. Blackdown Stringybark - Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa
    183. Arctic Birch - Nothafagus antarctica
    184. Yellowjacket - Corymbia leichhardtii
    185. Boonaree - Alectryon oleifolius (sub. elongata)
    186. Coachwood - Ceratopetalum apetalum
    187. Brush Box - Lophostemon confertus
    188. Tamanu - Callophyllum inophyllum
    189. Beach Almond - Terminalia cappata
    190. Brown Penda - Xanthostemon chrysanthus
    191. Pepperwood - Cinnamonum laubatii
    192. Rose Butternut - Blepharocarya involucrigera
    193. Scaly Ash - Ganophyllum falcatum
    194. Fishtail Silky Oak - Neorites kevediana
    195. Damson - Terminalia sericocarpa
    196. Bumpy Satin Ash - Syzygium cormiflorum
    197. New Guinea cedar - Toona sureni
    198. Corkwood wattle - Acacia sutherlandii
    199. no common name - Acacia cretata
    200. Banksia nut - Banksia grandis
    201. Gundabluie - Acacia victoriae
    202. Warrior bush - Aophyllum anomalum
    203. Wild Orange - Capparis canescens
    204. Crow's Ash - Flindersia australis
    205. Holly - Ilex aquifolium
    206. Satin Oak - Oreocallis wickhamii
    207. Brown Walnut - Endiandra acuminata
    208. Rustyjacket - Eucalyptus peltata
    209. Hard Alder - Pullea stutzeri
    210. Brush Cypress Pine - Callitris macleayana
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    211. Black Bean - Castanospermum australe
    212. Mt Stuart Ironbark - Eucalyptus paedoglauca
    213. Brown Pine - Podocarpus elatus
    214. Red Carabeen - Geissois benthamii
    215. Horizontal - Anadopetalum biglandulosum
    216. Beaked Hakea - Hakea rostrata
    217. Drooping Sheoak - Allocasuarina verticillata
    218. SA Blue Gum - Eucalyptus leucoxylon
    219. Pink Gum - Eucalyptus fasciculosa
    220. Silver Banksia - Banksia marginata
    221. Jarrah - Eucalyptus marginata
    222. Black Ti tree - Melaleuca bracteata
    223. Geebung - Persoonia falcata
    224. Black Sheoak - Casuarina pauper

    Ouch!, the cabinet is full now!

    225. Desert Oak - Acacia coriacea
    226. Belyando Blackwood - Acacia argyrdendron
    227. Rough barked Apple - Angophora floribunda
    228. Cattle bush - Pittosporum angustifolium
    229. Leucaena - Leucaena leucocephela
    230. English Walnut - Juglans regia
    231. Silvertop Ash (burl) - Eucalyptus sieberi
    232. Tasmanian Myrtle - Nothofagus cunninghamii
    233. Plane tree - Platanus hybrida
    234. Box Elder(burl) - Acer negundo
    235. Stringy bark Willow (native willow) - Callistachys lanceolata
    236. Cocaine bush - Erythroxylum australe
    237. River Cooba - Acacia stenophylla
    238. Ribbonwood - Euroschinus falcatus
    239. Wild Plum / Arid peach - Terminalia aridicola
    240. Norfolk Island Pine - Araucaria heterophylla


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    241. Bonewood - Macropteranthes leichardtii
    242. Chinese Elm - Ulmus parvifolia
    243. Silver Birch - Betula pendula
    244. Poinciana - Delonix regia
    245. Flowering cherry - Prunus sp.
    246. Native Hibiscus - Hibiscus heterophyllus
    247. Mackay Cedar - Paraserianthes toona
    248. Lemon scented gum (spotted gum) - Eucalyptus citriodora
    249. Native Cherry - Exocarpus cupressiformis
    250. Sweet Hakea - Hakea suaveolens
    251. Rhododendron - Rhododendron sp.
    252. Cape Chestnut - Calodendron capense
    253. Silver birch - Betula alba
    254. Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster sp.
    255. Pohutukawa - Metrosideros excelsa
    256. Grass tree - Xanthorrhoea sp.
    257. Kanooka - Tristaniopsis laurina
    258. Photinia - Photinia robusta
    259. Maidenhair tree - Ginkgo biloba
    260. Moonah - Melaleuca lanceolata
    261. Satinwood - Nematolepis squamea
    262. Cedar of Lebanon - Cedrus libani
    263. White beech - Gmelina leichhardtii
    264. Black wattle - Acacia decurrens
    265. Mesquite - Prosopis sp.
    266. Queen ebony - Xanthostemon melanoxylon
    267. Kwila - Intsia bijuga
    268. Kauri - Agathis robusta
    269. Mimosa - Albizia julibrissin
    270. Maytenus sp.


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    271. Black Gidgee - Acacia pruinocarpa
    272. Kanooka (ancient) - Tristaniopsis laurina
    273. Red gum (ancient) - Eucalyptus camaldulenesis
    274. Mountain ti-tree - Leptospermum grandifolium
    275. Kerosene wood - Erythroxylum ellipticum
    276. Red Stringybark - Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
    277. Mock Olive - Notolea longifolia
    278. Yellow box (burl) - Eucalyptus melliodore
    279. Red Mallee (burl) - Eucalyptus socialis
    280. Weeping Boer bean - Schotia brachypetala
    281. Brazilian Mahogany - Swietenia macrophylla
    282. Sapele - Entandrophragma cylindricum
    283. Goa cypress - Cupressus lusitanica
    284. Sandpaper fig - Ficus opposita
    285. Early flowering wattle - Acacia leiocalyx
    286. Guava - Psidium guajava
    287. Sheena's Gold - Duranta erecta
    288. Woolly Butt - Eucalyptus longifolia
    289. Bloodwood (burl)- Eucalyptus sp.
    290. Grey gum (burl) - Eucalyptus sp.
    291. Scrub Boonaree - Alectryon diversifolius
    292. Bowyakka - Acacia microsperma
    293. Greenheart - Nectandra rodiou
    294. Bead tree - Adenanthera pavonina
    295. European Olive - Olea europaea
    296. Pink Myrtle - Thaleropia queenslandica
    297. Rose Silky Oak - Darlingia ferruginea
    298. Yellow Walnut - Endiandra bancroftii
    299. Northern Silky Oak - Cardwellia sublimus
    300. Chinee Apple - Ziziphus mauritiana


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    301. Maple Silkwood - Flindersia pimenteliana
    302. Qld Silver Ash - Flindersia bourjotiana
    303. White Oak - Musgravea heterophylla
    304. Blush / Pink Silky Oak - Opisthiolepsis heterophylla
    305. California Buckeye - Aesculus californica
    306. Strawberry Tree - Arbutus unedo
    307. Manzanita - Arctostaphylos manzanita
    308. Red Fir - Abies magnifica
    309. Japanese Zelkova / Keyaki - Zelkova serrata
    310. Chinese Pistachio - Pistacia chinensis
    311. Vietnamese Ebony / Mun Ebony - Diospyros mun
    312. Glossy Privet - Ligustrum lucidum
    313. Japanese Cherry Blossom - Prunus serrulata
    314. Arizona Desert Ironwood - Olney tesota
    315. Purple Leaf Plum - Prunus cerasifera
    316. Black Cherry - Prunus serotina
    317. Chinese Banyan - Ficus bengladensis
    318. Coffee Wood - Coffea arabica
    319. Rambutan - Nephelium lappaceum
    320. Louisiana Bald Cypress - Taxodium distichum
    321. Cork Oak - Quercus suber
    322. Muhuhu (Indian sandlewood) - Brachylaena hutchinsii
    323. Pheasant Wood - Senna siamea
    324. Pacific Yew - Taxus brevifolia
    325. Southern Magnolia - Magnolia grandiflora
    326. Thin Win - Millettia pendula
    327. California Mountain Mahogany - Cercocarpus ledifolius
    328. Bolivian Rosewood/Morado - Machaerium scleroxylon
    329. Ceylon Ironwood - Mesua ferrea
    330. Russian Olive - Elaeagnus angustifolia


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    331. Blue Mahoe - Hibiscus elatus
    332. Tulipwood - Dalbergia variabilis
    333. Ceylon Satinwood - Chloroxylon swietenia
    334. Flat Crown - Albizia adianthifolia
    335. Tulip Poplar - Liriodendron tulipifera
    336. Ngaio - Myoporum laetum
    337. Sweet Gum - Liquidambar styraciflua
    338. White Stinkwood - Celtis africana
    339. Incense Cedar - Calocedrus decurrens
    340. Black Walnut - Juglans nigra
    341. Eastern Hemlock - Tsuga canadensis
    342. Cottonwood - Populus deltoides
    343. Hawaiian Ulu / Bread Fruit - Artocarpus altilis
    344. Eastern Red Cedar - Juniperus virginiana
    345. Stone Pine - Pinus pinea
    346. Mahogany (Cuban) - Swietenia mahoganii
    347. Yellow Birch - Betula alleghaniensis
    348. Redwood Lace Burl - Sequoia sempervivens
    349. Red Alder - Alnus rubra
    350. Kou (Hawaiian) - Cordia subcordata
    351. Cooktown Ironwood - Erythrophloem chlorostachys
    352. Cedar Mangrove - Xylocarpus mekongensis
    353. White Mahogany - Eucalyptus acmenoides
    354. Bushman's clothes-peg - Grevillea glauca
    355. Scented Maple - Flindersia laevicarpa
    356. Wild Prune / Mongo - Pouteria sericea
    357. Honduras Mahogany - Swietenia macrophylla
    358. Teak - Tectona grandis
    359. Nonda Plum / Merbatu - Maranthes corymbosa
    360. Ivory Curl / Spotted Silky Oak - Buckinghamia celsissima


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    361. White Stringybark - Eucalyptus reducta
    362. Hickory - Flindersia ifflaiana
    363. New Guinea Pencil Cedar - Palaquium warburgianum
    364. Swamp Mahogany - Lophostemon suaveolens
    365. Black Palm - borassus flabellifer
    366. Bull Kauri - Agathis microstachya
    367. Brown Quandong - Elaeocarpus ruminatus
    368. Scrub Stringybark / Brush Turpentine - Rhodamnia rubescens
    369. Brown Tulip Oak - Argyrodendrum trifoliatum
    370. Pimplebark - Balanops australiana
    371. Granite Ironbark - Eucalyptus granitica
    372. Looking Glass Mangrove - Heritiera littoralis
    373. Grey / Gum-topped Box - Eucalyptus molucanna
    374. Black Ironbox - Eucalyptus raveretiana
    375. Milky Jitta / Mareeba Stonewood - Xanthophyllum octandrum
    376. Crow's Apple - Not owenia venosa
    377. ColorWood - Birch - Betula sp.
    378. ColorWood - Birch - Betula sp.
    379. Stiff denhamia - Denhamia oleaster
    380. Scrub wattle - Acacia fasciculifera
    381. Belah - Casuarina cristata
    382. Townsville Wattle - Acacia leptostachya
    383. Weeping Bottlebrush - Callistemon viminalis
    384. Native Lime - Citrus glauca
    385. Antique wood - Macropteranthes montana
    386. Curry Myrtle - Backhousia angustifolia
    387. Tamarind (spalted) - Diploglottis australis
    388. White Sirus / White Bean - Ailanthus triphysa
    389. Macassar Ebony - Diospyrus celebica
    390. Guttapercha - Excoecaria parvifolia


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    391. Swamp Ti tree - Melaleuca irbyana
    392. Wild Olive (feral olive) - Olea europaea
    393. Silver Wattle - Acacia dealbata
    394. Rose Gum - Eucalypt grandis
    395. Georgina Gidgee - Acacia georginae
    396. Indian Rosewood / Pennyleaf - Dalbergia sissoo
    397. Cork Elm - Ulmus thomasii
    398. Moreton Bay Ash / Blackbutt / Carbeen - Corymbia tessellaris
    399. Smooth leaved Quinine - Petalostigma banksii
    400. BushHouse Paperbark - Melaleuca tamariscina
    401. Sydney Blue Gum - Eucalyptus saligna
    402. Avocado - Persea americana
    403. White Willow burl - Salix alba
    404. Cucumber Tree - Magnolia acuminata
    405. Arizona Palo Verde - Cercidium floridum
    406. Veiny Denhamia - Denhamia pittosporoides sub. angustifolium
    407. Crow's Apple - Owenia venosa
    408. Golden parrot tree - Grevillea pteridifolia
    409. Blueberry Ash - Elaeocarpus reticulatus
    410. Tagasaste - Cytisus palmensis
    411. Leopard tree - Caesalpinia ferrea
    412. Mistletoe on Dawson Gum - Dendrophthoe glabrescens & euc. cambageana
    413. Cockspur Vine - Maclura cochinchinensis
    414. Bonewood - Acradenia euodiiformis
    415. Privet - Ligustrum sp.
    416. Eumundi Quandong - Elaeocarpus eumundi
    417. Chillagoe Pea - Dendrolobium arbuscula
    418. acacia curvinervia - Acacia curvinervia
    419. Jelutong - Dyera costulata
    420. Orange Boxwood - Maytenus disperma


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    421. Irvinebank Wattle - Acacia leptoloba
    422. Lightwood - Acacia implexa
    423. Purplewood wattle - Acacia carneii
    424. Nelia - Acacia loderi
    425. Indian Tulip / Pacific Rosewood - Thespesia populneoides
    426. Red-Fruited Kurrajong - Sterculia quadrifida
    427. Plum Satinash - Syzygium wilsonii ssp cryptophlebium
    428. Flaky-Barked Satinash - Syzygium forte ssp.forte
    429. Wild Plum - Terminalia platyphylla
    430. Brown / Beach Damson - Terminalia arenicola
    431. Daintree Wattle - Acacia cincinnata
    432. Matchbox Bean - Entada phaseoloides
    433. Lemon-Scented Tea-Tree - Leptospermum petersonii
    434. Silver Leafed Ironbark - Eucalyptus melanophloia
    435. Coastal Wattle - Acacia oraria
    436. Black Penda - Xanthostemon chrysanthus
    437. Japoticaba - Myrciaria cauliflora
    438. Wandoo - Eucalyptus wandoo
    439. Woody pear - Xylomelum occidentale
    440. Snotty Gobble - Persoonia longifolia
    441. Marri - Corymbia calphylla
    442. WA Christmas tree - Nuytsia floribunda
    443. Wallaby Apple - Pittosporum spinescens
    444. Marble wood / Breadfruit tree - Gardenia vilhelmii
    445. Carob tree - Ceratonia siliqua
    446. Scentless Rosewood - Synoum glandulosum
    447. Pink Euodia - Melicope elleryana
    448. Candelabra wattle - Acacia holosericea
    449. Red Olive Plum - Elaeodendron australe var. integrifolium
    450. Myrtle - Canthium oleifolium


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    451. Castor Oil Bush - Ricinus communis
    452. Desert Fig - Ficus brachypoda
    453. Red Beech - Dillenia alata
    454. WA Black Mulga - Acacia citrinoviridis
    455. WA Minnieritchie - Acacia grasbyi
    456. Rib Fruited Malee (burl) - Eucalyptus corrugata
    457. Small fruited Mock Olive - Notelaea microcarpa
    458. Lolly Bush - Clerodendrum floribundum
    459. Yarran - Acacia omalophylla
    460. African Tulip - Spathodea campanulata
    461. Broadleaf Hopbush - Dodonae viscosa
    462. Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna
    463. Dawn Redwood - metaseqouia glyptostroboides
    464. Imbuia - Phoebe porosa
    465. Para Rubberwood - Hevea braziliensis
    466. Holly oak, Holm-oak - Quercus ilex
    467. Ovangkol, Shedua - Guibourtia ehie
    468. Catalpa - Catalpa bigniodes
    469. Plum - Prunus domestica
    470. Ekki, Azobe - Lophira alata
    471. Sucupira - Bowdichia nitida
    472. Southern pitch pine - Pinus palustris
    473. Leadwood - Combretum imberbe
    474. Mopane, Mopani - Colophorspermum mopane
    475. Iroko - Chlorophora excelsa
    476. Monterey Cypress - Cupressus macrocarpa
    477. Stag's-horn Sumach - Rhus typhina
    478. Mora - Mora excelsa
    479. Kiaat, Muninga - Pterocarpus angolensis
    480. Laburnum - Laburnum anagyroides


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    481. Scots pine, Redwood - Pinus sylvestris
    482. Cerejeira - Amburana cearensis
    483. English Box - Buxus sempervirens
    484. Western Dead Finish - Acacia tetragonophylla
    485. Parkinsonia - Parkinsonia aculeata
    486. Grevillea 'Red Sunset' - Grevillea preissii x grevillea olivacea
    487. Snakewood - Acacia xiphophylla
    488. Weeping Emu Bush - Eremophila longifolia
    489. Banyan - Ficus macrophylla
    490. Queensland Peppermint - Eucalyptus exserta
    491. Blue Gum - Eucalyptus tereticornis
    492. Hairy Walnut - Endiandra pubens
    493. Rose Alder - Caldcluvia australiensis
    494. Oyster Bay pine - Callitris rhomboidea
    495. African Walnut - Lovoa klaineana
    496. Frangipani - Plumeria rubra
    497. Lancewood - Acacia petraea
    498. Alexandra palm - Archontophoenix alexandrae
    499. Night Flowering Jasmine - Cestrum nocturnum
    500. Mystery tree - Backhousia tetraptera

    This species is a special saved for the 500 mark. It was so recently discovered by a friend from Townsville that at the time of adding the egg here, it hadn't even been named. The stand of about 120 trees is barely a stones throw from Townsville and after a good flowering in 2012, has since been named 'Backhousia tetraptera'. This sample came courtesy of Cyclone Yasi and as far as we know, this egg is the first item ever turned from the 'Mystery tree' - quite an honour for me! For more information on this tree, check out this link...

    501. Khampi Rosewood - Dalbergia cultrata
    502. Lignum Vitae - Guaiacum sanctum
    503. Brown Ebony - Libidibia paraguariensis
    504. Palo Santo - Bulnesia sarmientoi
    505. African Blackwood - Dalbergia melanoxylon
    506. Verawood - Bulnesia arborea
    507. Ebano de Mexico - Libidibia sclerocarpa
    508. Pau Santo - Zollernia paraensis
    509. Quebracho - Schinopsis quebracho-colorado
    510. Snakewood - Brosimum guianense


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    511. Golden Elm / Wych Elm - Ulmus glabra
    512. Elderberry - Sambucus nigra
    513. Bubinga - Guibortina tessmannii
    514. Wenge - Milletia laurentii
    515. Brownheart / Wacapou - Vaucapoua americana
    516. Amarillo Boxwood - Aspidosperma vargasii
    517. Zebra Wood - Microberlinia brazzavilensis
    518. Cumaru - Dipteryx odorata
    519. Turkish Hazel - Corylus colurna
    520. Meranti - Shorea sp.
    521. African Padauk - Pterocarpus soyauxii
    522. New Guinea Teak - Vitex cofassus
    523. Castello Boxwood - Calycophyllum multiflorum
    524. Boire - Detarium senegalense
    525. Rauli Beech - Nothofagus alpina
    526. Bocote - Cordia gerascanthus
    527. Coolibah burl - Eucalyptus coolibah
    528. Black Palm - Borassus flabellifer
    529. European Spruce - Picea abies
    530. Milkwood - Wrightia saligna
    531. Indian Rosewood / Sonokeling - Dalbergia latifolia
    532. Hawthorn - Crataegus laevigata
    533. Bolivian rosewood - Maechaerium scleroxylon
    534. Redheart - Erythroxylum mexicanum
    535. Tambootie - Spirostachys africana
    536. Pink Ivory - Berchemia zeyheri
    537. Black Alder - Alnus glutinosa
    538. Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum
    539. Sycamore Maple - Acer pseudoplatanus
    540. Syringa - Syringa vulgaris


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    541. Norway Maple - Acer platanoides
    542. Bird Cherry / Hackberry - Prunus padus
    543. Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
    544. Cembra Pine - Pinus cembra
    545. Hairy Birch - Betula pubescens
    546. Silver Fir - Abies alba
    547. European Aspen - Populus tremula
    548. Pau Rosa / Dina - Swartzia fistuloides
    549. Madagascar ebony - Diospyros perrieri
    550. Wild Pear - Pyrus pyraster
    551. Large leafed Linden - Tilia platyphyllos
    552. Tigerwood - Astronium graveolens
    553. Siberian Larch - Larix sibirica
    554. Granadillo - Platymiscium yucatanum
    555. Juniper - Juniperus communis
    556. Balsa - Ochrama pyramidale
    557. Hazel - Corylus avellana
    558. Tuckeroo - Cupaniopsis anacardioides
    559. Loquat - Eriobotrya japonica
    560. Rattan - Tribe: Calameae
    561. Quandong - Santalum acuminatum
    562. Johnstone River Hardwood - Backhousia bancroftii
    563. Black Maire - Nestegis cunninghamii
    564. Thuga (burl) - Tetraclinis articulata
    565. Bog Oak - Quercus robur
    566. Western Ti Tree - Melaleuca trichostachya
    567. Waxy Wattle - Acacia melleodora
    568. Prickly Leaf Paperbark - Melaleuca nodosa
    569. Glory Wattle - Acacia glaucocarpa
    570. Cheese Tree - Glochidion ferdinandi


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    571. Brush Cherry - Syzigium australe
    572. Black Currant Bush - Carissa ovata
    573. Boobialla - Myoporum insulare
    574. Viburnum - Viburnum odoratissimum
    575. Neem - Azadirachta indica
    576. Yellow Jacaranda - Schizolobium parahyba
    577. American Chestnut - Castanea dentata
    578. Ghost Wattle / Pindan - Acacia platycarpa
    579. Musmula (Medlar tree) - Mespilus germanica
    580. Kingwood - Dalbergia cearensis
    581. Port Orford Cedar - Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
    582. Pernambuco - Caesalpinia echinata
    583. WA Blackbutt / Yarri - Eucalyptus patens
    584. Kapok - Cochlospermum fraseri
    585. Clarksons Bloodwood - Corymbia clarksoniana
    586. Yellow wood - Flindersia xanthoxyla
    587. Broombush / Dogwood - Jacksonia scoparia
    588. Dogwood - Cornus sp.
    589. Pussy Willow - Salix caprea
    590. Acacia dietrichiana - Acacia dietrichiana
    591. Silky Geebung - Persoonia sericea
    592. ZigZag Wattle - Acacia macradenia
    593. Stony Ridge Wattle - Acacia semirigida
    594. Yellow Wattle - Acacia flavescens
    595. Torulosa Wattle - Acacia torulosa
    596. Paperbark - Melaleuca nervosa
    597. Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Eucalyptus crebra
    598. Desert Poplar / Bell fruit - Codonocarpus attenuatus
    599. Yellow Bells - Tecoma stans
    600. Murraya / Mock Orange - Murraya paniculata


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    601. Captain Cook Bush - Cascabela theviata
    602. Klinki Pine - Araucaria hunsteinii
    603. Cambia Ash (treated White Ash) - Fraxinus americana
    604. European Beech (Steamed) - Fagus sylvatica
    605. Laminated Spotted Gum - Corymbia maculata
    606. Laminated Blackbutt - Eucalyptus pilularis
    607. Danta - Nesogordonia papaverifera
    608. Aspen - Populus tremuloides
    609. Himalayan Magnolia - Michelia champaca
    610. Bertya pedicellata - Bertya pedicellata
    611. Pepperberry - Cryptocarya obovata
    612. Tamarind - Tamarindus indica
    613. Ivorywood - Siphonodon australis
    614. Deep Yellow wood - Rhodosphaera rhodanthema
    615. Utile - Entandrophragma utile
    616. Tallowood - Eucalyptus microcorys
    617. Candlenut - Aleurites moluccana
    618. Native Hackberry - Celtis paniculata
    619. Blue Cedar (laminated) - Cedrus atlantica
    620. Pin Oak - Quercus palustris
    621. Texas Ebony - Pithecellobium flexicaule
    622. Katalox - Swartzia cubensis
    623. Laurel - Laurel sempervivens
    624. Bocoa - Bocoa prouacensis
    625. Gabon Ebony - Diospyros crassiflora
    626. Tchitola - Oxystigma oxyphyllum
    627. Tasmanian Leatherwood - Eucryphia lucida
    628. Tiger Myrtle - Nothofagus cunninghamii
    629. Coolabah (Burl) - Eucalyptus victrix
    630. Doral / Native Olive - Notelaea ligustrina
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    631. Lace Sheoak - Allocasuarina marginata
    632. Bookleaf Pine - Thuja Orientalis
    633. Massaranduba / Bulletwood - Manilkara bidentata
    634. Baitoa / St. Domingo Boxwood - Phyllostylon brasiliensis
    635. Hackberry (spalted) - Celtis occidentalis
    636. Goncalo Alves - Astronium fraxinifolium
    637. Pink Tecoma - Tabebuia pallida
    638. Irish Oak (burl) - Quercus petraea
    639. Black and White Ebony - Diospyros embryopteris
    640. Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna
    641. Purpleheart / Amaranth - Peltogyne paniculata
    642. Japanese Apple - Malus sargentii
    643. Brazilian Ebony - Swartzia tomentosa
    644. Lemon tree - Citrus x limon
    645. Madagascar Rosewood / Palisander - Dalbergia baronii
    646. Peppermint tree - Agonis flexuosa
    647. Persimmon - Diospyros virginiana
    648. Brazilian rosewood - Dalbergia nigra
    649. Amazon Rosewood - Dalbergia spruceana
    650. Andrampotsy - Asteropeia rhopaloides
    651. Panama Rosewood - Dalbergia tucurensis
    652. Chestnut (burl) - Aesculus hippocastaneum
    653. Mirabelle plum - Prunus domestica ssp. Syriaca
    654. Satine / Bloodwood - Brosimum paraense
    655. Quince - Cydonia oblonga
    656. Lasura - Cordia myxa
    657. Black Nargusta / Canxan Negro (burl) - Terminalia amazonica
    658. Chakte Kok - Sickingia salvadorensis
    659. Cocus - Brya ebenus
    660. Kamagong Ebony - Diospyros blancoi
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    661. Lignum Vitae - Guaiacum officinale
    662. European Rowan - Sorbus aucuparia
    663. Bushy Sugar Gum - eucalyptus cladocalyx
    664. Wooly tea tree - Leptospermum lanigerum
    665. Cut-leaf Banksia - Banksia praemorsa
    666. Rhus cotinus / Smoke bush - Cotinus coggygria
    667. NZ White Pine / Kahikatea - Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
    668. Foxtail Palm - Wodyetia bifurcate
    669. Wau Beech - Elmerrillia papuana
    670. Candlestick Banksia - Banksia attenuata
    671. Umbrella Tree - Schefflera actinophylla
    672. White top burl - Eucalyptus delegatensis
    673. Brown Pine - Podocarpus grayae
    674. Cape Plum - Flacourtia sp. Shiptons Flat
    675. Hill's silky oak - Grevillea hilliana
    676. Howitts Box - Eucalyptus howittiana
    677. Native crepe myrtle - Lagerstroemia archeriana
    678. Three-veined Cryptocarya - Cryptocarya triplinervis
    679. Red Coondoo - Mimusops elengi
    680. Cloncurry Box / Northern Grey Box - Eucalyptus leucophylla
    681. Axegapper / Scrub Wilga - Geijera salicifolia
    682. False Yellow wood / Purple Bushpea - Hovea longipes
    683. Acacia Julifera - Acacia julifera
    684. Pink Corkwood - Endiandra sieberi
    685. Grasstree - Xanthorrhoea johnsonii
    686. Ponytail palm - Beaucarnea recurvata
    687. Yellow Flame Tree - Peltophorum pterocarpum
    688. Tumbledown / Smooth Barked Apple - Angophora costata
    689. Blackdown Stringybark - Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa
    690. Leopard Ash - Flindersia collina
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    691. Yellow Walnut - Beilschmiedia bancroftii
    692. Durio - Durio spp.
    693. Weeping Maple - Acer palmatum
    694. Bouganvillea - Bouganvillea spp.
    695. Red Barked Bloodwood - Corymbia erythrophloia
    696. Cabbage Palm - Livistona australis
    697. Kapok - Ceiba pentandra
    698. Chinchilla Gum - Eucalyptus argophloia
    699. Manchurian walnut - Juglans mandshurica
    700. Asian black birch - Betula dahurica
    701. Manna ash - Fraxinus Ornus
    702. Siberian elm - Ulmus pumila
    703. Northern White-cedar - Thuja occidentalis
    704. Japanese Elm - Ulmus japonica
    705. Bearded maple - Acer barbinerve
    706. Manchurian lime - Tilia mandshurica
    707. Siberian Alder - Alnus hirsuta
    708. Green Ash / Red Ash - Fraxinus pennsylvanica
    709. Sea Buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides
    710. Pink Mampat - Cratoxylum formosum
    711. Matai - Promnopitys taxifolia
    712. Rata - Metrosideros umbellata
    713. Rimu - Dacrydium cupressinum
    714. Manuka - Leptospermum scoparium
    715. Totara - Podocarpus totara
    716. Kowhai - Sophora microphylla or tatraptera
    717. Brown Cedar - Ehretia acuminata
    718. Coolibah (ringed) - Eucalyptus microtheca
    719. Salt River Gum - Eucalyptus sargentii
    720. Napunyah / Thozets Box - Eucalyptus thozetiana


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    721. Japanese Beech (figured) - Fagus crenata
    722. Scrub Wilga / Green Satinheart - Coatesia paniculata (formerly Geijera paniculata)
    723. N.G Pencil Cedar - Palaquium spp
    724. Mountain Silky Oak - Orites excelsa
    725. Camphorwood / Cinnamon Sassafrass - Cinnamomum oliveri
    726. Brown Cudgerie - Canarium baileyanum
    727. Big-coned Pine - Pinus coulteri
    728. Ice Cream Bean - Inga edulis
    729. Ribbon Gum - Eucalyptus viminalis
    730. Native Camphor / Black Sassafrass - Cinnamomum virens
    731. Prickly-leaved Paperbark (figured) - Melaleuca styphelioides
    732. Canary Sassafrass - Daphnandra micrantha
    733. Pink Tamarind / Foambark - Jagera pseudorhus
    734. Grey Boxwood / Yellow Tulip - Drypetes lasiogyna var. australasica
    735. Broad-leaved Peppermint - Eucalyptus dives
    736. Inland or Pale Bloodwood - Corymbia terminalis
    737. Yellow Boxwood - Pouteria pohlmaniana
    738. Yellow Carabeen - Sloanea woollsii
    739. Northern or Coast Euodia - Melicope vitiflora
    740. Blakely's Red Gum (figured) - Eucalyptus blakelyi
    741. White Desert Tea Tree - Melaleuca glomerata
    742. Pink Ash / Pink Almond - Alphitonia petriei
    743. Maidens Wattle (figured) - Acacia maidenii
    744. Gossamer Wattle - Acacia floribunda
    745. Mountain or North Qld Kauri - Agathis atropurpurea
    746. East Indian Kauri - Agathis dammara
    747. Large Fruited Yellowjacket - Corymbia watsoniana
    748. Grey Persimmon (Killarney Colour) - Diospyros pentamera
    749. Rose Maple / Pigeonberry Ash - Cryptocarya erythroxylon
    750. Cuttail - Eucalyptus fastigata


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    751. Brown Kurrajong - Commersonia bartramia
    752. Callicoma - Callicoma serratifolia
    753. Sweet Bursaria / Prickly Box - Bursaria spinosa
    754. Native or Port Arthur Plum - Cenarrhenes nitida
    755. Native Willow - Acacia muricata
    756. Pacific Dogwood - Cornus nuttallii
    757. American Yellowwood - Cladrastis kentukea
    758. Black Poisonwood / Chechem - Metopium brownei
    759. Native Cedar / Juniper Myrtle - Taxandria juniperina
    760. Western Red-box / Smooth Barked Coolibah - Eucalyptus intertexta
    761. Cheesewood / Pinkheart - Pittosporum bicolor
    762. Northern Scented Sassafrass - Doryphora aromatica
    763. Kingsmill's Mallee - Eucalyptus kingsmillii
    764. King Billy Pine - Athrotaxis selaginoides
    765. Narrow-leaved Peppermint - Eucalyptus radiata ssp. Radiata
    766. Broad-leaved Paperbark - Melaleuca leucadendron
    767. Eucalyptus montivaga - Eucalyptus montivaga
    768. Never Break - Choricarpia leptopetala
    769. Ivory Walnut - Beilschmiedia oligandra
    770. Cedar Wattle - Acacia elata
    771. Silver Ash / Cudgerie / Bumpy Ash - Flindersia schottiana
    772. Rose Marara - Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa
    773. Bonewood / Yellow Rosewood - Emmenosperma alphitonioides
    774. White Birch (figured) - Schizomeria ovata
    775. Kuranda Quandong / Blackheart - Elaeocarpus bancroftii
    776. Narrow-leaved White Mahogany - Eucalyptus tenuipes
    777. Dorrigo Oak - Alloxylon pinnatum
    778. Red Stringy Bark (figured) - Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
    779. Leafless Ballart - Exocarpus aphyllus
    780. Killarney Beefwood / Red Silky Oak - Stenocarpus salignus


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    781. Figwood / Port Jackson Fig - Ficus rubiginosa
    782. Southern Penda - Xanthostemon oppositifolius
    783. Lillipilli - Acmena smithii
    784. Mesquite - Prosopis pallida
    785. Custard Apple - Annona cherimolia
    786. Snappy Gum - Eucalyptus leucophloia
    787. Salmon Bean - Archidandron vaillantii
    788. White Box - Eucalyptus albens
    789. N.G Walnut - Dracontomelum mangiferum
    790. Corkwood - Duboisia myoporoides
    791. Chihuahua White Pine - Pinus strobiformis
    792. Possumwood - Quintinia sieberi
    793. Manchurian Pear - Pyrus ussuriensis
    794. Woody Pear - Xylomelum pyriforme
    795. Cassia fistula - Golden Showers
    796. Claret Ash - Fraxinus angustifolia
    797. Ribbonwood - Euroschinus falcatus var falcatus
    798. Tree Wisteria - Bolusanthus speciosus
    799. Swamp Mallet - Eucalyptus spathulata
    800. Native Frangipani - Hymenosporum flavens
    801. Sandhill Wattle - Acacia ligulata
    802. Amoora - Aglaia spectabilis
    803. Anegre - Aningeria Altissma
    804. Satin sycamore - Ceratopetalum succirubrum
    805. Atherton Oak - Athertonia diversifolia
    806. Mexican Bean Tree - Cecropia peltata
    807. Ghost gum - Eucalyptus dallachiana
    808. Crimson Mallee - Eucalyptus landsdowneana
    809. Northern Native Olive - Chionanthus ramiflorus
    810. Spur-wing Wattle / Devils Thorn - Acacia triptera


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    811. Coral gum - Eucalyptus torquata
    812. Curry leaf tree - Murraya koenigii
    813. White Bolly Gum - Neolitsea dealbata
    814. Pavetta - Pavetta australiensis
    815. Rothmania - Rothmannia globosa
    816. Carambola / Star fruit - Averrhoa carambola
    817. Snow-wood / Tulip Siris - Pararchidendron pruinosum
    818. Matai - Prumnopitys taxifolia
    819. Tawa - Beilschmiedia tawa
    820. Nectarine - Prunus persica
    821. Queensland Myrtle - Psydrax oleifolia (ex Canthium)
    822. Satinay / Fraser Island Turpentine - Syncarpia hillii 
    823. Tabebuia - Tabebuia palmeri
    824. Native Pepper / Pepperberry - Tasmannia lanceolata
    825. Hard Leichardt - Neonauclea glabra
    826. Buff Mahogany - Dysoxylum alliaceum
    827. Rhus taitensis - Rhus taitensis
    828. Bamaga Satinash - Syzygium tierneyanum
    829. Bastard sandalwood / Naio - Myoporum sandwicense
    830. Kou (burl) - Cordia subcordata
    831. Angelim pedra - Hymenolobium petraeum
    832. Diospyros lateralis - Diospyros lateralis
    833. Strangler fig / Watkins fig - Ficus watkinsiana
    834. Feltbush - Kalanchoe beharensis
    835. Marble Gum - Eucalyptus gongylocarpa
    836. Desert Oak - Allocasuarina decaisneana
    837. Poplar - Populus sp.
    838. Lacewood - Panopsis sp.
    839. European Pear - Pirus communis
    840. Silverberry - Eleagnus sp.


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    841. Box Elder / Manitobe maple - Acer negundo (spalted)
    842. Tree-of-Heaven - Ailanthus altissima
    843. Ipe - Handroanthus heptaphyllus
    844. California Live Oak - Quercus virginiana
    845. Santa Cruz Island Ironwood - Lyonothamnus floribundus
    846. Tamarind - Tamarindus indica
    847. Sour Cherry / Killarney Satinash - Syzygium corynanthum
    848. Happy plant - Dracaena fragrans


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