The Other timbers Gallery


This gallery contains examples of some of the items I make using timber from all over the place, local, imports, natives, weeds or otherwise.


Clicking on a picture will display it in a viewer where you can move to the next or previous picture by moving your mouse to the left or right half of the picture and clicking the button that appears.

A pair of bowls out of Maple Silkwood

A pair of bowls out of Maple Silkwood

Wrap-dispenser from Jacaranda and Sally Wattle.

Bath-set from Poinciana with Norfolk Island Hibiscus and Sally Wattle trim.

Segmented vase (1st & last!) in Northern Silky Oak and Silver Ash for our club challenge.

Bowls turned from Mango just a few weeks apart shows how quick the mould progresses.

Bowl in Peppercorn (schinus molle)

Bowl in Prickly acacia (coloured with sunlight)

Bowl in Silvertop ash burl.

Bowl from spalted Pecan.

Bowl from Manna gum burl (maybe!)

Candelabra from Rose mahogany and Gidgee.

Candelabra from New Guinea red cedar.

Canister from Avocado.

Canister from Jacaranda.

Set of six goblets in various timbers.

Jewellery box from Hoop pine, Red Cedar, Hairy oak, Camphor Laurel and Poplar.

Lidded box in Black bean and Camphor Laurel.

Lidded box in Rose mahogany and Norfolk Island Hibiscus.

Lidded box in Pecan.

Lidded box in Tamanu (callophyllum inophyllum).

Lidded box in Tamarisk (AKA Athel pine).

Pens/pencils in Gidgee, Mulga, Ooline, 2 x Purple Gidgee, 2 x Lignum Vitae.

Picture frame/box in Cypress pine and Sally Wattle.

Platter in Camphor Laurel.

Platter in Queensland Walnut.

Pomander in Ash and ebonised Mulberry.

Remote control caddy from Black bean and Ash.

Dunny-roll holder from Coastal Banksia.

Spinning top in Emu Apple and Paperbark (top).

Vessel in Sally Wattle and Ash.

Wrap-dispenser from Rose mahogany and Bumble.

Business card holders in a variety of timbers.

Bowl in Poinciana 330x120mm

Pomander in Huon pine and Gidgee

Offset, fluted bowl in Sycamore. A collaboration with the Inland Northwest Woodturners of the USA.

Salt and Pepper shakers in various timbers.

Birds nest with mini-eggs from an old Jam fencepost(acacia acuminata)...

...for my Grandaughters pet lorikeet "Rosie"

Lidded box from Rough-barked Apple (angophora floribunda) and Gidgee

Goblet from Olive

'Coal' - encircling and dividing the community. From unidentified eucalypt

Made for a Club Challenge using KD Tassie Oak (framing timber)...

...and Side B!

'Sensory' boxes from Indian Cedar, Huon Pine and Camphor Laurel

'Merging ball' box from Pennyleaf. A twist on Guilio Marcolongo's 'Emerging ball'.

More 'Sensory' boxes from Sandalwood, Coachwood, Rose Mahogany, Myall and Guttapercha (my absolute favourite aromatic timber).

Bangles - Burdekin Plum, Desert Oak and Dead-Finish.

Bangle in Desert Oak - a special request by my newest Daughter-in-law to wear for the wedding.


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