Acacia curvinervia(Acacia julifera subsp curvinervia)
Also known as: No common name | |
curvinervia is not uncommon but doesn't seem to have picked up a common
name, probably because it looks so 'generic' for a wattle.
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The textbooks will tell you it flowers from May to July although I have found it flowering as late as November like this specimen along the Beef road. | |
The timber in this 100mm specimen looks very similar to A.julifera but I found it more workable once dry. Splitting it was all that was required to stop it cracking to the heart.Once dry, I found it machined nicely, sanded well and took a hard-wax oil finish very nicely. | |
I had just enough diameter from the specimen above to turn a solid toothpick dispenser which worked out quite well with the timber being just the right weight for this type of project. | |
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