Corkwood wattle

    (Acacia bidwilli - since renamed to Vachellia bidwillii))


Also known as: Dogwood


Corkwood wattle is found mainly on the Eastern side of the Highlands with quite a few around the Dysart area. Growing to about 8 metres high with trunks to about 300mm diameter in this area, it seems to prefer low-lying ground like the blacksoil plains. The name appears to come from the bark which has a cork-like texture.




A drought stressed specimen with an old 1080 dingo bait warning attached.


When freshly cut, the timber has a smell to it that is so obnoxious it attracts blow-flies by the dozens. Luckily, once the timber dries off after a few days the smell subsides and isn't apparent at all once fully cured. As such a wet timber when cut, it also tends to mould a lot if it doesn't get enough air while drying but doesn't split much at all giving a very good recovery rate. Corkwood wattle is not nearly as hard as most of the acacias out here and machines very well with just a little tear-out if you're not careful. It sands well and takes a polish nicely.


This bowl was roughed out wet and finished 2 months later. The Corkwood wattle proved very stable to turn and finish.



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