
    (Melaleuca nervosa)


Also known as: Woodland Paperbark

Paperbark is fairly common on the Highlands growing mainly on sandy soils in clumps and in pure stands with just the occasional larger lone tree. Growing to about 8 or 9 metres high, the trunks never seem to get bigger than about 200mm diameter.  
The tree flowers anytime time through winter and early spring with typically 'Bottlebrush' styled, creamy to pale green coloured flowers.
The timber is fairly close-grained, moderately heavy and quite stable during air-drying with little or no cracking.
Paperbark is quite colourful with a thick, pale coloured sapwood and is very abrasive on tools. It machines easily with carbide tools however and sands surprisingly well. Paperbark takes a finish very well. The recommended three coats of Kunos oil worked well on this urn.


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