River Oak

    (Casuarina cunninghamiana)


Also known as: River Sheoak

River Oak is abundant along the deeper creek systems out here. Growing to over 20 metres high, I have seen them reach to around 1 metre diameter at the butt. The pictured specimens are on the Nogoa river at Emerald. These oaks do a great job of holding the riverbanks together but aren't much good for turning (or anything else other than firewood). While it is quite attractive, the timber splits and twists very badly while drying and is very, very hard to machine once dry.
Seed cones on a female tree.
Male tree in flower, the whole tree takes on a reddish tinge that makes it look like it is diseased or dying.
Photos of this sawn log provided by Shirley & Don of Yeppoon. (ta!)
  The sawn pieces in the photo below are River oak burl that I was lucky enough to find. Not much of it is solid wood as it is full of bark inclusions and so on but the patterns and colours it displays are just amazing. The pieces I have made from it were done while the wood was still fairly green and now that the burls have dried a bit more, it's going to be real hard yakka to produce anything more from them. The timber is VERY hard to machine, VERY hard on tools and resists sanding incredibly well - having said that, it looks great if you persist. It takes a finish nicely too.


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