Spotted gum is widespread across the Central Highlands on well
drained undulating country, often on very poor soils. It would be our
tallest, straightest growing timber at up to 25 or 30 metres high with
trunks to about 1 metre diameter.
Spotted gum is easily identified by the strong citrus smell from the leaves
when crushed. Burls like the one pictured are common enough on these trees
but aren't much good for turning as the core is usually full of resin veins
which cause the burl to collapse.
Spotted gum is used widely in the building and construction industry in
Queensland and is grown as a commercial crop in many other countries.
I'm not a big fan of eucalyptus timber for turning, mainly because of the
short grain structure which makes it dusty and splintery to work with.
While it machines OK, any figure in the grain will tear out easily. It
sands well and finishes well once sealed.
This lamp was made as my entry in a club challenge. Each entrant was
given two pieces of Spotted gum roughly 50 x 150 x 600mm to use to make
whatever they wished. It won the competition but I would not have used
this timber for this project by choice.