Yellow-wood(Terminalia oblongata)
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Yellow-wood is usually found on blacksoil country amongst Brigalow scrub. It is one of our very few deciduous trees, the photo at right shows it in winter mode, never quite completely bare. It's range is restricted to northern Australia and is quite common around this part of the world. Usually growing to 8 to 10 metres high, I've seen some trunks to about 400mm diameter. |
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Yellow-wood flowers around September. | |
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Yellow-wood is a medium density timber that is quite stable while drying, particularly once halved or sawn into board form.
The log pictured only developed one small crack while drying as you see it
- can't do that with many logs at all. In a part of the world where most
timbers are damned hard and heavy, Yellow-wood is a pleasant change.
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As seen in the finished natural-edged bowls here, it also holds its bark well. Green or dry, the timber machines very well and once dry, it sands really well too. It takes a good finish, just a little absorbent with oils. Providing the colour is what you want, it's a great timber to use. | |
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