Dust collector modifications



When I inherited Dad's old dust extractor I didn't use it much for the same reasons he didn't I suppose, it took up too much space, was always in the way and it put all the fine dust back in the air again! Putting it in a cabinet outside the shed solved those problems but when I changed over to a paper filter instead of the cloth bags, the whole thing became an unstable mess because of the weight of the filter. Once I got comfy in the new shed, I decided to set the extractor up properly this time around...


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'Flimsy' is the only way to describe the original chassis. Even though Dad had reinforced the base, it still couldn't support the weight of the paper filter properly and changing the bag was painful with the 3 legs so close to the rim and the whole thing wobbling around so I basically demolished it and kept just the workings.

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and after...

Built a nice, simple but solid frame for it from scrap 50mm RHS with just 2 legs placed further from the rim to make bag changes easier. No wheels on this version as it is going to be bolted to the concrete base of the cabinet. Removing the 6" hose between the fan and the cyclone was more for simplicity of design than the quest for better performance but it certainly hasn't hurt!



A coat of paint on the old cabinet to match the new shed, a couple of dynabolts to hold the rig down and it's now rock-solid and soooo much easier to change the bag!

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